Fanfare Board
Board positions are filled by nomination and vote. All positions are elected on an annual basis at the Board’s reorganization meeting, generally held in September.
Irene Battaglia
- Organize and run monthly Board meetings
- Liaison to Hildreth and Bromfield administrators and music educators
- Prepare and submit annual charity filings
- Backup for all Treasurer and Secretary responsibilities
Stephen Lynch
- Prepare monthly financial summary for Board meetings
- Make bank withdrawals and deposits
- Manage online donation platforms
- Review and sign annual charity filings
- Prepare meeting minutes, distribute to Board
- Website updates
- Manage correspondence (Fanfare email, PO Box)
Chair of Fundraising
- Coordinate fundraising events
- Delegate and organize tasks for other Board volunteers
- 2025 Jazz Night planning
Chair of Outreach
- Develop advertising materials
- Social Media updates